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A life-long lover of language, writing and public speaking, I decided to follow my truest inclinations, and become a freelance presenter and panel host. My background as an independent expert in cultural policy, and as a culture and heritage manager offers me a well of knowledge, while my curious and critical mind keeps deepening my views and approaches.

My personal and professional interests vary from literature, philosophy & social history, to sustainable tourism, urbanism, feminism & gender related themes. My core values are people, equality & connection. That is exactly why I want to offer my services to those who aim to make a difference. Social change agents, innovators, cultural actors, activists, creatives, museums and heritage partners - you know who you are.

Let me create your story with you.

Picture @Ann De Koker

Background image by artist E.B Itso  

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Jana Kerremans

Based in Mechelen & Brussels, Belgium


+32 485 96 93 63​

BE 0727.524.843

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